Sunday, January 20, 2008

Time Flies

Happy New Year Everyone!
We looked at our blog tonight and couldn't believe that it has been SIX MONTHS! since we posted a new blog! BAD MOMMY & DADDY! The good news is that we have TONS! of great photos of the boys since our last blog. The bad news is that we hope we don't bore you with it all! Y'all won't believe how big they have gotten!

We are starting with them at the tail end of their fourth month and will end with the most current, at ten months!

Nate's dream of the boys playing football when they are older may be just that, a dream, as you all can see the blank looks on both Carter and Jackson's faces when presented with a football. Huh?

Look how happy Jackson looks even when his mom gives him a hairdo that makes him look like a GOOBER! Ha Ha Ha

Last year we celebrated Nate's B-day in Nashville our Aunt Sue & Uncle Mikey's house. The boys did pretty well with the birthday hats.

We love this picture! Nate especially gets a kick out of the long string of drool coming out of Carter's mouth. The boys are doing great at "Tummy Time"!

Mommy & Daddy are getting alot better at capturing the two of them smiling at the same time! Another photo we LOVE!

Poor Jackson is trying so hard to wake up!

5-1/2 months and Carter above has gotten two of his bottom teeth and Jackson has one and a half of his! Let's show those pearly whites boys!

Marti and Toni are helping with the feeding during their visit. Toni, did you get any in Jackson's mouth? Marti, you are a natural at this!

Although, Nate is not too fond of this picture (don't know why) I think it's hilarious. Looks like Jackson is saying "Stop it Marti, you're killing me"! Ha Ha Ha

The boys are six months old now and what's the first thing that Nate teaches Carter? How to act like a dog. Hmmmm.... may need to have a talk with him.

"What are you looking at?" "Haven't you ever seen a baby air out his tushy? I can't help it if I have a bad diaper rash.

Carter, did you just relieve yourself?

Mom, Dad's been under there for awhile now. Do you really need that new sink installed? "Yes Carter, I do".

Jackson, tried with every muscle in his little body to steer that tractor.

The Twins enjoying the nice breeze in their backyard. We love their cute outfits!

What? Huh? Aren't we supposed to tear up all the pages of the magazine?

Rachel, the boys had fun playing in their Mandarin outfits that you gave them! See how happy Carter looks!

Nate gave the boys a new Hairdo and looks like the boys are pretty excited about it. Look at their toothy grins! We love it!


Who needs pricey toys? All you need is the value pack of Paper Towels from Costco!

We can't believe it's Christmas already and that the boys are 9-1/2 months old!
Hey guys, what did Santa leave for you in your stockings?

Carter and Jackson LOVED their presents from Uncle Joel, Auntie Val and Cousins Jake & Tyler. Seems like Carter really liked it. Hmmm.... remind you of someone???

That's it for now. As soon as we figure out how to add Video Clips, we will send you some fun ones!
Wishing everyone a Wonderful 2008 and hope to see you all soon!
Nate, Sandy, Carter & Jackson