The Babbitt family has welcomed into this world two new bundles of joy!!!! Jackson and Carter Babbitt. Carter is in the striped hat and Jackson has the hood. These pics were taken minutes after they were born.
They've definitely got some pipes. Both of them popped out and really cranked the volume up!
I was able to dive into the delivery room after Sandy was prepped so I got some great shots of the kids being born.
They look quite a bit a like but we're getting the hang of telling them apart. We're one week in and they've already cleared their birth weight.
Jackson was born 5 lbs 15 oz and is up to 6lbs 3 oz.
Carter was born 5 lbs 14 oz. and is up to 6lbs 3oz. already too! These next pics are day 1 after birth.
Sandy and I are both doing great! Sandy spent the first few days recovering and never got introduced to a little thing called Maconia!!!! Yep, Nate changed that wonderful tar and motor oil that comes standard in newborns right out of children.
We'll say good bye for now for now and I'll leave you with a few more pics.
Enjoy the pics! I'll have a great surprise next time I can get a blog up.
Nate and Sandy